Bring out the best in you - The Sanatana Dharma Way FREE WEBINAR COURSE
Mon, 04 Dec
This course includes 4 session of Foundation, 4 sessions of exploration and final 2 sessions of consolidation covering application of principles and practice of Sanatana Dharma in our modern day lives. It will be highly interactive and has thought provoking content and relevant case scenarios.

Time & Location
04 Dec 2023, 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm GMT
About the event
This webinar course is delivered over 10 days of 90 minutes each, spread over 2 weeks (Monday to Friday) with start date on 4th December 2023 and end date on 15th December 2023 . The purpose is to understand the spiritual science called Sanatana Dharma and apply its universal principles in our lives for holistic wellbeing. We also learn the way in which we can balance our daily life. Included in this highly interactive webinar and case scenarios to help drive home some of the most important spiritual concepts to find solutions to our real life dilemmas.
The sessions are facilitated by Dr. Malladi Srinivasa Sastry who is a practising psychiatrist with work experience in UK, Singapore and India.
Dr. Malladi has been a karyakarta of Samskrita Bharati, which is an organization that teaches Sanskrit. He conducts spoken sanskrit workshops and also teaches the 4 level exam oriented course of Samskrita Bharati.
Dr. Malladi is the founder of Sohamvidya ( which is a platform to impart spiritual knowledge for holistic wellness. He has been researching on application of ancient spiritual knowledge in daily life and designed course such as "Discover your self" and "Discover your inner potential". He had conducted several 10 day webinars on "Bring out the best in you the Sanatana Dharma Way".
He has MA in Samskritam from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam and had completed the certificate and gold medal level of the year long course on memorization and pronunciation of Bhagavadgita Shlokas conducted by Sri Datta Peetham of Mysore.
Registration fee
Registration for the 10 days of the webinar
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